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Hosta Haven Retreat in Mt. Calvary, WI

Over the past 5 years, Willow Ledge Retreat has become to many of you a place to spend time with friends and  have fun, a place to relax and unwind, and a place to create. We’ve worked endlessly to build that special retreat for you, and we’ve found that there just aren’t enough weeks in the year anymore to meet the demand for our current space! We’ve heard a strong desire for another space when you have a smaller group to share your getaway with. With that in mind, we bring you...Hosta Haven Retreat!


Hosta Haven Retreat is a smaller Willow Ledge Retreat space designed accommodate groups of 1-6 (7 if you want to be cozy). It is a beautiful 3-bedroom home located just 8 minutes away from Willow Ledge Retreat, and offers the same great amenities you all know and love (clean comfy beds, fully stocked kitchen, ramp and back-in loading space, and spacious work tables and living areas)... all in a more compact size!

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